Kelahiran Mawar Emas merupakan satu lagi usaha membuka tembok halangandan membenarkan khalayak kita memahami sastera asing melalui bahasa ibunda yang kita fahami, iaitu bahas Melayu.
Sebuah antologi karya yang sarat dengan pelbagai bentuk sastera seperti kisah dongeng, cerpen, puisi, teka teki dan peribahasa daripada penulis sastera Rusia. Lontaran idea dan bentuk penulisan yang pelbagai ini menyediakan kerencaman nada menjadikan Mawar Mas sebuah antologi yang harus diterokai.
Mawar Emas: Bunga Rampai Sastera Rusia
Penerbit: Institut Terjemahan Negara Malaysia
Penyelenggara dan Penterjemah: Victor Pogadaev
Tahun Terbitan: 2009
No ISBN: 978-983-068-350-8
Jumlah Halaman: 282 Muka Surat
Dapatkan Naskah ini di MPH Midvalley, MPH Alamanda serta cawangannya atau di kedai buku ITNM. Untuk Sebarang pertanyaan sila dail 03 41497210.
Pushkin will speak in Malay
The unique event took place in the literary life of Malaysia - first time in the history of the country an anthology of Russian literature in the Malay language was published. Unprecedented collection of "Golden Rose" was prepared by the well-known orientalist, Professor Victor Pogadaev and published by the Malaysian National Instutute of Translation.
"Interest in studying Russian in Malaysia is growing. More and more students go to study to Russia, to medical institutions - in Moscow, Kursk, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod. The same is true for humanitarian sphere. The purpose of this anthology - to stimulate the interest of the younger generation to Russia, its history and culture, "- tells the compiler of the anthology, a linguist with a thirty-year experience. He now teaches Russian in the country's top University of Malaya.
Pogadaev’s name is well-known for Malaysian book lovers: back in 2001 he published Leo Tolstoy's novel "Haji Murat", which success made publishers to print a second edition five years later. A certain step to the anthology the work on which took several years, became a monograph in Malay "The great Russian poet Pushkin and the world of the East", published in 2003.
"In this new collection, readers for the first time enjoy samples of Russian folklore, among them - epics, tales, proverbs, folk songs and even chastushka. The anthology includes translations of many classical works. There are: "The Sail ", "A Golden Cloud Slept "and" I Walk Out Alone On the Road” by Lermontov, stories for children, and excerpts from the novel "War and Peace” by Tolstoy, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Golden Fish”, " The Squire's Daughter”and "In the hills of Georgia” by Pushkin, as well as several short stories of Chekhov," - Victor Pogadaev told to "Izvestia".
Soviet literature is represented by "The Song of the Falcon" by Maxim Gorky, "The Sentence" by Anna Akhmatova, a passage from the novel "Doctor Zhivago", the poem "Hamlet" by Boris Pasternak. The Title of anthology is taken from the title of Constantine Paustovsky story "The Golden Rose", this flower is depicted on the cover of the collection.
akhbar Izvestia, 23.9.2009
The first ever anthology of Russian literature in Malay
published In Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept. 20. Itar-TASS Stanislav Varivoda. The first ever anthology of Russian literature in Malay
published In Malaysia. The publisher- The National Institute of Translation of Malaysia, and the compiler and translater - Victor Pogadaev, a graduate of Moscow State University, now teaching Russian language and Russian culture in the University of Malaya.
As V. Pogadaev told in an interview with Itar-Tass, an anthology introduces the examples of Russian folklore – heroic epic, tales, proverbs, popular rhymes, folk songs and works of 37 wellknown Russian writers and poets. It comprises "Yaroslavna's Lament" from the "Narrative of the Igor’s Troops", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Golden Fish," "" The Squire's Daughter " and the poems by A.S. Pushkin, "The Sail ", "A Golden Cloud Slept "and" I Walk Out Alone On the Road” by M.Yu. Lermontov, stories for children, and excerpts from the novel "War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy, short stories by A. P. Chekhov, an excerpt from the novel "The Idiot" by F. M. Dostoevsky, "The Song of the Falcon” by A.M. Gorky, "Verdict" by Anna Akhmatova, an excerpt from the novel "Doctor Zhivago" and the poem "Hamlet" by Boris Pasternak, "Do Russians want war” by Yevgeny Yevtushenko,"The Golden Rose by Constantine Paustovsky, which gave name to the entire anthology, and others.
"Publication of the anthology reflects the increasing interest to Russia, which is particularly intensified after the launch of the Malaysian astronaut, who had gone into the space on the Soyuz TMA-11 spacecraft Oct. 10, 2007", - said V. Pogadaev. According to him, now the Russian language is taught at the University of Malaya with 30-40 students per semester. In addition, this university is the only in the country which offers the course "Artistic Culture of Russia”, which is read from 2003, more than 80 students registered for it each semester. The program consists of a brief introduction to the history of Russia's culture, lectures on literature, poetry, music and folk instruments, film, theater, education, and life and folklore in Russia. "Sometimes it is necessary to limit the number of applicants because there is not enough place in the lecture room" - complained the translator of the anthology.
National writer of Malaysia Abdul Samad Said praised the publication of the anthology, noting in the preface that finally Malaysians will be able to see the treasure of Russian literature in translation, made directly from Russian and are preserving the freshness and lively intonation of the originals. The circulation is 3 thousand copies which is a lot for Malaysia. The anthology is designed for those interested in Russiaan literature, and in literature in general.
Malaysians to know more about Russian literature
In a show of warmer bilateral ties, a first Malayan-language sampler of Russian literature was published in Malaysia on Sunday in a move earlier initiated by Russian culture expert Victor Pogadaev. The album includes Russian epic plus classical and modern-day literature, Pogadaev explained, especially quoting Konstantin Paustovsky’s Golden Rose. He praised the two countries’ amelioration of ties in the wake of a flight of Russia’s spacecraft with a Malaysian astronaut on board to the International Space Station in October 2007.
20.09.2009 (The Voice of Russia)
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